Object Parameters


image = {
  'size': [ float, float],
  't', float,
  'time-unit': {'sec', 'min', 'hour', 'day'},
  'file': str,
  'background': [float, float, float],
  'gradient_background': bool,
  'background2': [float, float, float],
  'viewports': list,
  'colorbars': list,
  'annotations': list
size:width and height of the image - either on screen of the physical size of the rendered image.
t:simulation time the image is rendered for.
time-unit:Time unit – used globally. For example, time annotation will pick this value.
file:If specified, render into a file, otherwise render on screen in an interactive window.
background:An array of three numbers between 0 and 1 where each entry represents red, green and blue component.
 If True, then the background2 parameter is used and a linear background is rendered.
background2:Used if gradient_background is True.
viewports:List of Viewports.
colorbars:List of Colorbar s.
annotations:List of Annotations.


movie = {
  'duration': float,
  'file': str,
  'size': [1280, 720],
  'times': [],
  'time-unit': 'min',
  'background': [float, float, float],
  'gradient_background': bool,
  'background2': [float, float, float],
  'viewports': list,
  'colorbars': list,
  'annotations': list
duration:Duration in seconds of the final rendered movie.
file:File name of the final movie.
size:width and height of the movie.
times:List of times for which we render the images. If not specified, time steps from the result file will be used.
time-unit:Time unit – used globally. For example, time annotation will pick this value.
background:An array of three numbers between 0 and 1 where each entry represents red, green and blue component.
 If True, then the background2 parameter is used and a linear background is rendered.
background2:Used if gradient_background is True.
viewports:List of Viewports.
colorbars:List of Colorbar s.
annotations:List of Annotations.
frame:Optional. File name mask of rendered images.
location:Optional. Location where the images are rendered. By default rendering happens in some temp location determined by the operation system.


Exodus Result

vp = {
  'type': 'ExodusResult',

Plot Over Line

vp = {
  'type': 'PlotOverLine',

Vector Postprocessor Plot

text = {
  'type': 'VPPPlot',


colorbar = {
  'location': { 'left' | 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom' },
  'origin': [float, float],
  'viewport': [float, float, float, float],
  'layer': int,
  'width': float,
  'length': float,
  'primary': axis,
  'secondary': axis,
location:Location of the numbers relative to the color bar.
origin:Position of the color bar in the viewport.
viewport:left, bottom, right and top of the viewport where this color bar is displayed.
layer:Layer number.
width:Width of the color bar relative to viewport.
length:Length of the color bar relative to viewport.
primary:Primary axis of the color bar.
secondary:Optional. Secondary axis of the color bar.



text = {
  'position': [float, float],
  'opacity': float,
  'color': [float, float, float],
  'shadow': bool,
  'halign': {'left' | 'center' | 'right'},
  'valign': {'bottom' | 'middle' | 'top'},
  'text': str,
  'font-size': float,
  'font-family': str,
  'bold': bool,
  'italic': bool
position:The text position within the viewport, in relative coordinates.
opacity:Set the text opacity.
color:The text color.
shadow:Toggle text shadow.
halign:Set the font justification.
valign:The vertical text justification.
text:The text to display.
font-size:The text font size.
font-family:The font family.
bold:Font bolding.
italic:Italic type.


text = {
  'position': [float, float],
  'width': float,
  'halign': {'left' | 'center' | 'right'},
  'valign': {'bottom' | 'middle' | 'top'},
  'opacity': float,
  'scale': float,
  'file': str,
position:The position of the image center within the viewport, in relative coordinates.
width:The logo width as a fraction of the window width, this is ignored if ‘scale’ option is set.
halign:The position horizontal position alignment.
valign:The position vertical position alignment.
opacity:Set the image opacity.
scale:The scale of the image. By default the image is scaled by the width.
file:The PNG file to read, this can be absolute or relative path to a PNG or just the name of a PNG located in the chigger/logos directory.


time = {
  'position': [float, float],
  'opacity': float,
  'color': [float, float, float],
  'shadow': bool,
  'halign': {'left' | 'center' | 'right'},
  'valign': {'bottom' | 'middle' | 'top'},
  'text': str,
  'font-size': float,
  'font-family': str,
  'bold': bool,
  'italic': bool,
  'format': str
position:The text position within the viewport, in relative coordinates.
opacity:Set the text opacity.
color:The text color.
shadow:Toggle text shadow.
halign:Set the font justification.
valign:The vertical text justification.
text:The text to display.
font-size:The text font size.
font-family:The font family.
bold:Font bolding.
italic:Italic type.
format:Formatting string for the time



transform = {
  'scale': [float, float, float]
scale:Scaling factor for x, y and z direction.

Plane Clip

plane_clip = {
  'origin': [float, float, float],
  'normal': [float, float, float],
  'inside_out': bool
origin:The origin of the clipping plane.
normal:The outward normal of the clipping plane.
inside_out:When True the clipping criteria is reversed.

Box Clip

plane_clip = {
  'lower': [float, float, float],
  'upper': [float, float, float],
  'inside_out': bool
lower:The lower corner of the clipping box.
upper:The upper corner of the clipping box.
inside_out:When True the clipping criteria is reversed.


axis = {
  'num-ticks': int,
  'range': [float, float],
  'font-size': int,
  'font-color': [float, float, float],
  'title': str,
  'grid': bool,
  'grid-color': [float, float, float],
  'precision': int,
  'notation': { 'standard' | 'scientific' | 'fixed' | 'printf'},
  'ticks-visible': bool,
  'axis-visible': bool,
  'labels-visible': bool,
  'scale': float
num-ticks:The number of tick marks to place on the axis.
range:The axis extents.
font-size:The axis title and label font sizes, in points.
font-color:The color of the axis, ticks, and labels.
title:The axis label.
grid:Show/hide the grid lines for this axis.
grid-color:The color for the grid lines.
precision:The axis numeric precision.
notation:The type of notation, leave empty to let VTK decide. Can be ‘standard’, ‘scientific’, ‘fixed’, ‘printf’.
ticks-visible:Control visibility of tickmarks on colorbar axis.
axis-visible:Control visibility of axis line on colorbar axis.
labels-visible:Control visibility of the numeric labels.
scale:Scale factor for the axis. Useful for changing units. For example, to go from meters to centimeters set this to 1e2.


camera = {
  'view-up': [float, float, float],
  'position': [float, float, float],
  'focal-point': [float, float, float]
position:The position of the camera.
focal-point:The the focal point of the camera.